Etichetă limba

Copilul bilingv si familia mixta

Mama are o nationalitate, tata o alta, vorbesc limbi diferite, iar copilul este „expus” de mic unui mediu lingvistic variat. Acest lucru poate fi o adevarata oportunitate pentru el, cu conditia ca cei doi parteneri sa discieze clar intre cele… Continuă lectura →

Limba romaneasca

Mult e dulce si frumoasaLimba ce-o vorbim,Alta limba-armonioasaCa ea nu gasim.Salta inima-n placereCand o ascultamSi pe buze-aduce miereCand o cuvantam.Romanasul o iubesteCa sufletul sau.Vorbiti, scrieti romaneste,Pentru Dumnezeu!

I don’t know what to do today

I don’t know what to do today.Perhaps I’ll go outside and play,or stay indoors and watch TV,or take a bath, or climb a tree. Or maybe I’ll go ride my bike,or pick my nose, or take a hike,or jump a… Continuă lectura →


Whether the weather be fine,Or whether the weather be not,Whether the wether be cold,Or whether the weather be hot,We’ll weather the weatherWhatever the weather,Whether we like it or not!

Winter Holidays

Winter holidays are coming,All the children see.We just think of Christmas puddingAnd of Christmas tree. On the ice, all in a hurry,Merry children runYou have only skates to carryAnd you’ll join the fun.

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