A wise old owl Sat in anoak,The more he heard, The less he spoke;The less hespoke,The more he heard;Why aren’t we allLike that wiseold bird?
Good Morning, Dear Teacher!– Good morning, dear teacher!– Good morning! How are you?– We are all very happyTo say: ‘Hello’ to you!
I don’t know what to do today.Perhaps I’ll go outside and play,or stay indoors and watch TV,or take a bath, or climb a tree. Or maybe I’ll go ride my bike,or pick my nose, or take a hike,or jump a… Continuă lectura →
I know a girl, And who she is,I’ll tell you by and by; When Mummy says:”Dothis,” or “that”!She says: “What for” and “Why” She’dbe a better girl, by far, If she would say:”I’ll try!”
We are TwinsWe are twins,We walk together.We never part,We make a pair forever.
Whether the weather be fine,Or whether the weather be not,Whether the wether be cold,Or whether the weather be hot,We’ll weather the weatherWhatever the weather,Whether we like it or not!
Johnny, Johnny, Yes, Papa!Eating sugar? No, Papa… Telling lies? No, Papa… Open your mouth O Ha! Ha! Ha!
Anna Maria, she sat on the fire.The fire was too hot,She sat on the pot.The pot was too round,She sat on the ground. The ground was too flat,She sat on the cat.The cat ran away with Maria on her back.
With this big andRed balloon,I can travel to the moon.And when i’m there,I’ll take care!
On Saturday night Shall be all my care To powder my locks And curl my hair. On Sunday morning My love will come in. When he will marry me With a gold ring.
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